Effectively Dealing with the Dangerous Effects of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Effectively Dealing with the Dangerous Effects of Diabetic Ketoacidosis



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There are many complications that are directly associated with diabetes, and there are not too many that can have such an immediate negative impact as diabetic ketoacidosis. If not treated, this condition can be fatal. DKA is the result of having too much sugar in your blood for too long. The good news is that this condition is treatable and preventable too.

Understanding the Cause of DKA

Diabetic ketoacidosis is the presence of high ketone levels in the body, which is often the result of the lack enough insulin in the blood stream, or it can be the result of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body has developed a resistance to insulin due to the presence of high levels of insulin in the blood stream for prolonged periods of time. This is why it is important to have a consistent and well-managed diet.

Without insulin or with insulin resistance, your body’s cells cannot break down sugar in order to use it for energy, so it will use fat for fuel instead. Unfortunately, when fat is burned by the body, it produces a bi-product known as ketones. The problem with ketones is that your body cannot tolerate high levels of them. If the process continues for a prolonged period of time, the buildup of ketones can be life-threatening. The body will attempt to expel the ketones through your urine. This is why people who are suffering from ketoacidosis will find that they are urinating more than normal. This is significant because it can lead to dehydration.

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The presence of ketones in the body in large amounts will negatively impact your body chemistry, placing your body in an acidic state, which can lead to a lot of complications, including:

  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease

And the list goes on.

Type 1 diabetes sufferers are at a greater risk of ketoacidosis because their bodies don’t produce any or enough insulin. It is also possible for ketone levels to increase when you miss meals, become sick or stressed out. Additionally, an adverse reaction to insulin can trigger an increase in ketone levels.

Understanding the Warning Signs

If you have a blood sugar level greater than 240 mg/dl, or you have certain symptoms that are directly associated with high blood sugar, such as frequent urination, dry mouth or feeling extremely thirsty, you should test your ketone levels. This can be done by using ketone urine strips, which can be obtained at your local pharmacy. You do not need a prescription to buy them. You can also use a glucose meter that has the capacity to measure ketone levels. If you find that you have high ketone levels, you should immediately take the necessary actions to lower your blood sugar levels, and then check your ketone levels again in thirty minutes.

If this doesn’t work, you will need to seek medical attention immediately due to the severity of the situation. The symptoms listed below should also send up a red flag and trigger immediate attention.

  • You have been vomiting for more than two consecutive hours
  • You feel queasy of you are experiencing belly pain
  • Your breath smells fruity
  • You are experiencing confusion or fatigue
  • You are having a difficult time breathing

Effective Treatment and Prevention

If you are diabetic, it may be imperative that you visit an emergency room in order to introduce enough insulin into your system to lower your blood sugar quickly, subsequently lowering your ketone levels. The emergency room will also be able to ensure that you are properly hydrated, which can become a significant issue when dealing with ketoacidosis.

One way that you can manage your blood sugar, which will assist in managing the production of ketones, is through proper diet and nutritional intake. There are a number of foods that are great for assisting you in lowering your blood sugar.

  • Blueberries are an exceptional tool capable of aiding the body in lowering its blood sugar levels. According to groundbreaking research conducted by the Journal of Nutrition, a daily dose of the bioactive ingredients present in blueberries can help increase the sensitivity to insulin, and it has the capacity to reduce the risk of developing diabetes for those individuals who are considered at risk.
  • Avocados, despite their high fat content, are very good for you, especially in helping to lower blood sugar levels. The monounsaturated fat in avocados work to slow down the release of sugars into the bloodstream, prompting less insulin to be released — reducing the risk of insulin resistance.
  • Chia seed is a gluten free grain that has the capacity to stabilize blood sugar levels, helps to manage the negative effects of diabetes and works to combat insulin sensitivity.
  • Cinnamon has the capacity to help your body’s muscle and liver to respond more effectively to insulin, according to a 2003 study by the Journal for Diabetes Care. Better responses to insulin means a better balance for your blood sugar.
  • Mango, despite its remarkably sweet taste, has the ability to lower blood sugar. According to the Nutrition and Metabolic Insights journal, the daily consumption of either 10 grams of freeze-dried mango or 100 grams of fresh mango, has the capacity lower blood sugar, especially in people who are obese.

Foods to Avoid

Just as there are foods that have properties that help you to effectively manage your blood sugar, there are foods that will wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels. Below you will find some foods that are notoriously bad for your blood sugar health.

  • Breads and baked goods are major contributors to high blood sugar levels, even breads that don’t contain any sugar. Because breads and baked good are made with flour, the body will convert the carbohydrates into sugar very quickly.
  • Pasta and rice do not contain rice, but they are high in starch, meaning that they have a high level of simple carbohydrates. This means that the body will convert them to sugar almost immediately.
  • Potatoes and corn are generally classified as vegetables; however, corn is actually a grain, just like wheat, and potatoes are a starchy root. One large potato has the same amount of carbohydrates as four slices of bread.
  • Sweetened beverages are often overlook when people are measuring their sugar content; however, they may very well contribute more to the problem than any other food. Drinks with high-fructose corn syrup are basically diabetes in a bottle.

When you combine eating foods that naturally work to lower blood sugar with avoiding those foods that contribute to high blood sugar, you will find that a great deal of ground can be gained. You should also incorporate a moderate workout plan into your overall plan for managing your blood sugar. The key is to understand that by simply taking better care of your body, you will automatically find yourself with a lower blood sugar level. You should also work on reducing the acidity level in your body. Almost all diseases are directly associated with high acidity levels. Getting your body into alkaline will go a long way in helping to address ketoacidosis and more.

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