5 Powerful Body Hacks to Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels

5 Powerful Body Hacks to Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels


Mr. Ronnie Coleman

Healthy testosterone levels are immensely vital to multitudinous aspects male health. It impacts everything from the ability to effectively burn fat to helping the body battle prostate cancer. Unfortunately, when a man turns 30, his ability to naturally produce testosterone begins to decline progressively as he ages. If he does not take proactive measures to reverse this decline, it will continue to get worse, negatively impacting his health.

The good news is that there are a number of things that can be done that can help men naturally boost their body’s capacity to produce testosterone at healthy levels. This brief article will unveil five powerful body hacks that have been proven to increase testosterone levels in men.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the testicles, and it is often considered to be the epitome of manhood, and this is with good reason. Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for the voice change that takes place during puberty. It is also the physiological force behind the male libido. Additionally, it plays a major role in a number of other vital male functions, including the development of lean muscle mass, reproduction, hair growth, maintaining bone density and bone strength and even establishing a high sense of well-being.

In addition to the natural progression of aging, there are a number of other things that negatively impact testosterone production, such as exposure to certain chemicals, inactivity and exposure to compounds that mimic estrogen, which is an antagonist of testosterone.


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Following are some steps that have been proven to help increase testosterone levels.

  1. Lose Weight

There is scientific proof that reveals that simply shedding excess weight has the capacity to help improve testosterone levels. According to research that was presented at the 2012 Endocrine Society meeting, overweight men are at a higher risk of suffering from low testosterone levels. Ironically, testosterone has also been proven to be a major catalyst in the body’s metabolic process, meaning that it plays a significant role in facilitating the body’s ability to effectively burn fat.

What this means is that while attempting to lose weight in order to help increase the testosterone levels of the body, the low testosterone levels will make losing weight more difficult than usual; however, by reducing sugar intake and the consumption or processed foods, most men should be able to reduce their weight and body fat percentage, especially when the shift in nutritional intake is accompanied by a good exercise plan.

  1. High Intensity Exercise

As a general rule, when you are looking to increase the production of a certain hormone in the body, one method of doing so is to increase the need for that hormone, which prompts your body to create more of the hormone than it normally does. Since High intensity training breaks down muscle, testosterone is needed in order to trigger the process of protein synthesis, which is necessary to repair and rebuild muscle. Research as revealed that aerobic type exercises either have no effect or serve to lower testosterone, but high intensity exercises actually work to increase testosterone levels.

There is substantial evidence that short, intense and explosive exercises increase testosterone levels while fighting to reduce testosterone decline.

  1. Increase Zinc Intake

Zinc is a vital mineral that is necessary for the effective and consistent production of testosterone. Studies have proven that zinc supplementation for as short as six weeks has produced marked improvements in testosterone levels in men. Conversely, diets that restrict zinc consumption have been proven to significantly reduce testosterone levels.

Zinc deficiency is a major issue in the aging population. In fact, approximately 45 percent of individuals over the age of 60 are suffering from a zinc deficiency, and this is even when dietary supplementation is a part of their regimen, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

  1. Optimize Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone, and it is essential in facilitating the development of healthy sperm cells, and it is also responsible for the maintenance of ensuring semen quality. Additionally, vitamin D is also responsible for assisting the body in increasing testosterone levels. In one study, overweight men who were given vitamin D supplements experience a significant increase in testosterone levels over the course of one year.

Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency has reached epidemic levels nationally. This epidemic is predominantly due to the fact that people are no longer spending enough time in the sun, which is extremely important to the process of vitamin D production. So, the first step to increase the level of vitamin D in the body is to increase exposure to the sun in reasonable increments. A good absorbable vitamin D supplement is also a good idea.

  1. Reduce Stress

Stress is an extremely destructive force in the life of any individual, and it has the ability to wreak havoc on a number of different processes, including the testosterone production. One way that stress negatively impacts testosterone production is through producing elevated levels of cortisol, which is a hormone that helps your body manage stress; however, this hormone actually blocks the production of testosterone.

The reason that cortisol inhibits testosterone production is due to the fact that it is designed to deal with immediately hostile situations, creating the fight or flight response; however, behaviors associated with high testosterone levels, such as competing, aggression and mating, may not be conducive to surviving the emergency that triggered the stress.

Here is the problem with cortisol. In this modern culture, chronic stress is an issue, which means that cortisol is remaining in the body much longer than initially intended, and at much higher levels. This means that the production of testosterone is being blocked on a consistent basis, and this is not a good thing. There are a number of different stress management techniques, from yoga and massage therapy to the Emotional Freedom Technique — a process that is similar to acupuncture, but without the needles.

The five steps that are laid out here are enough to establish a foundation on which a person can build a consistent regimen that will serve to increase testosterone production on a consistent basis — subsequently supporting a healthier lifestyle.

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